Veterinary Public Health Institute, Animal Welfare Division


Alex Johny

Doctoral Student

Center for proper housing: poultry and rabbits (ZTHZ)

+41 31 684 57 55
Postal Address
Center for Proper Housing: Poultry and Rabbits (ZTHZ)
Animal Welfare Division
Veterinary Public Health Institute
University of Bern
Burgerweg 22
3052 Zollikofen

Improving ramp usage of laying hen chicks in rearing aviaries using different light stimuli.


I obtained my Masters in Biology from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India. My thesis focused on understanding how consistent differences in behavioural traits that influence competition and colonization lead to spatial niche partitioning between two ecologically similar species of house geckos. After my MS, I joined Dr Axel Brockmann’s lab at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, as a Research Fellow. I worked on circadian regulation of foraging behaviour and gene expression patterns in the Giant Asian honeybee, Apis dorsata and the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. I began my PhD under Drs Ariane Stratmann and Michael Toscano at the University of Bern in December, 2019. I plan to investigate whether encouraging earlier ramp usage using light cues during the rearing period can lead to long term improvements in the welfare of laying hens in terms of skeletal strength and navigational abilities.

For the full publication list, please check here.